The return of stands and fairs

Cancelled exhibitions and fairs… stands dismantled and the industry at a standstill. The Covid-19 pandemic brought a dark cloud over the events and fairs sector, causing it to almost completely come to a halt and cease to exist in its physical form. Due to the rapid reinvention and adaptation of the industry, virtual events were the salvation for many companies during lockdown, and they continue to be a perfect option or complement to physical events – but we can all agree that the essence of fairs lies in the physical presence.

BACK TO PHYSICAL! Finally, with the lifting of restrictions and positive developments in the pandemic situation, physical fairs are slowly returning on an international level.

With the return of fairs comes the return of stands – which marks the return of creativity, originality, physical contact, and that sense of achievement when seeing your company’s stand illuminated at a fair, with new visitors and numerous opportunities at your doorstep. It symbolizes the return of difficult conversations to understand amidst the background noise and music, and a small ray of light after almost two years in the dark.

In this new reality we live in, this return may bring some fear in participating, that fear of the unknown, whether it will go well or be worth it. But do not think twice – it is always worth investing in the future of your company and the visibility of your brand!

After being at a standstill for so long, it is important to reactivate the economy and bring life back to the sector – and when you return, return in style – with a stand that represents your company’s personality, the longing and the desire to get back to work. Participate in these fairs that will undoubtedly bring numerous benefits to your business. Take the opportunity to have physical contact with your current customers after two years without that possibility.

WHY SHOULD I HAVE A STAND AT A FAIR? A stand has a strategic function in marketing, as it adds value to your company by providing the opportunity to increase its visibility, attract new customers, showcase your business, new products or launch new campaigns. It can undoubtedly be a very effective channel for communication and sales, regardless of the area or business sector it is inserted in.

A stand is also a great opportunity to establish new contacts in the market where you are inserted. This way, you can increase the competitiveness of your company, improving your position in the market and keeping up with the new trends in the industry.

GRAB THE OPPORTUNITIES! Now that you know why, think about how? In order to fully enjoy the benefits of having a stand at a fair, hire professionals in the industry to design and set up your stand. This way, you can ensure that what you want to communicate is being conveyed in the best possible way – and that your stand will be of superior quality.

Lastly, not only does it have an undeniable added value for your business, but having a stand at a fair can be a unique, fun, and dynamic experience for you and your team!